Writing Tip: the Essay of Regret

Memoir is always hindsight. Even if you grab your diary and write what you’ve just experienced, what you capture in writing is at least a few minutes old. So, with that in mind, writing an Essay of Regret seems in order. There are plenty of small and large decisions that we could reflect upon that would assist others on their journey in life.

To begin, write for 2 minutes on each of these prompts. Start your writing with these words and continue on for 2 minutes. You’ll be surprised what comes out.

I’m ashamed to say…

I should have…

Wouldn’t you know…

If I had to do it over again, I would…

Looking back, I realize …

Then, consider using this Outline to craft The Essay of Regret.

First, set up the story or scene of the past in first person POV in past tense. However, don’t tell all. Let your scene end up a cliff-hanger or question mark in the reader’s mind.

Second, bring it back to the present to express regret. Possibly include a verse of Scripture that teaches about regret or wisdom in action.

Third, tell your reader that you had other options. “I could have…”

Fourth, add a second option.On the other hand, I could have…”

Fifth, now come back to the original story or scene and describe how it played out in first person POV as you did before. But this time, use Present Tense to bring some electricity to your essay.

Finally, make your final remarks.

Read what you have written and let it sit for a few days. Then, when you come back to the essay, edit for improvements, and share it with someone

You may have a winning essay for all the trouble “it” brought you!

When I gave this assignment to my writing student, recently, I challenged myself to write one too. While I started with the instructions given here, I ended up with a nice piece of memoir, Finlandia, I Wish.

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Continue Module 6, The Essay: a Recipe for a delicious essay

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About Lori

Ever since Lori Younker was a child, she’s been captivated by her international friendships. She is mesmerized by the power of short works to inspire true understanding of the cross-cultural experience and expands her writing skills in creative nonfiction, guiding others to do the same. These days she helps others capture their life history as well as their stories of faith.