Writing Tip: Compare and Contrast

Here are two templates that might be helpful for expressing a comparison. Each are followed by examples for you to study.

TRANSITION SMOOTHLY from subject A over to subject B.

SUBJECT A (comma)

Example A:
A good night sleep, in contrast, is fundamental to health and may ensure the ability to handle the day’s demands.

Example B:
My daughter, however, is able to juggle work, home, and a host of community roles including president of the Garden Club.


Admit that you once believed one way, but now believe another.

PAST Situation
+ Coordinating CONJUNCTION within the sentence or start a new one
+ special DETAIL that shows the process
+ PRESENT Situation

Example A:
When I was a young girl I thought only of myself, but, when I grew up and had children of my own, I gave up my selfish ways.

Example B:
In most of my relationships, long periods of silence were uncomfortable for me, however, after being a language learner myself, I’ve discovered that silence can communicate comfort or companionship.

Example C:
I used to think that people with tattoos were wasting their money. However, after many encounters with the stories behind the tattoos, I now understand the human body can be a rich canvas for expressing personal history.

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About Lori

Ever since Lori Younker was a child, she’s been captivated by her international friendships. She is mesmerized by the power of short works to inspire true understanding of the cross-cultural experience and expands her writing skills in creative nonfiction, guiding others to do the same. These days she helps others capture their life history as well as their stories of faith.