Writing Tip: Why seek sentence variety?

A SHORT sentence can break up a series of LONG sentences, but how many kinds of long sentences are there?

A COMPOUND sentence joins two simple sentences together with a conjunction.

I love writing, and you do too.

Other COMPLEX sentences may include two things that happen together or because of the other.

While I was writing, dinner burned on the stove.

If I had more time, I would sit down and write.

Whenever my husband watches his favorite show, I sneak in some writing time.

Then there’s the all-faithful LIST.

I love to write short stories, essays, and blog posts.

I love to write short stories about my adventures in Mongolia, essays with cross-cultural themes, and blog posts which describe the amazing things I’m learning day by day.

We should be “on the hunt” for complex sentences that break out of “normal” syntax to really hold some punch!

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About Lori

Ever since Lori Younker was a child, she’s been captivated by her international friendships. She is mesmerized by the power of short works to inspire true understanding of the cross-cultural experience and expands her writing skills in creative nonfiction, guiding others to do the same. These days she helps others capture their life history as well as their stories of faith.