The Name Game

Hiding in the history or the etymology of any word is a treasury of cultural information. Ask, “How did this person, place, or thing derive its name?”

Did you know that you speak an “idiolect”? You do! Every person speaks an individual version of his or her own language, called an idiolect. You’ve probably heard the word dialect. A dialect is a group of idiolects that, taken together, share many similarities. For instance, do you

  • cook eggs in a skillet or frying pan?
  • carry water in a bucket or a pail?
  • catch fireflies or lightning bugs on warm July evenings?
  • water your outside plants from a faucet or spigot?
  • drink soda or pop? Or is every carbonated beverage a “Coke”?

If you move across the country, your idiolect will begin to change. It’s influenced by the people with whom you spend time. But no mater what we call a cracked pitcher, whether it’s “busted” or “broken,” the fact remains that it won’t hold water! The name you give an object has no power.

In biblical times, though, God sometimes changed people’s names. Those changes came with powerful promises. Jacob, for instance, really was the schemer his name implied–until God changed it to Israel, “Prince with God.” God changed Abram’s name to Abraham because Abram really would become “father of a multitude,” just as the Lord had promised.

Similarly, God has revealed himself to us in his many names. His names say much about his character. Here are just a few:

El Shaddai: Lord God Almighty; the All-Sufficient One
El Elyon: God Most High
Jehovah Jireh: The Lord will provide
Jehovah Shalom: The Lord is Peace
Jehovah Raah: The Lord our Shepherd

When you were very little, you may have learned to sing “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” As we grow up, life happens with its joys and jobs, sicknesses and successes, failures and family dramas and delights. Yet throughout our lives, we can call on the name of the Lord. From generation to generation, he is our Redeemer, our Healer, our Counselor, our Friend. He is the Way, the Truth, and our Life. The Bible says:

The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.
Proverbs 18:10 NRSV

Source: “The Name Game,” Timeless Faith: Sharing Life’s Faith Stories © 2016 CTA, Inc.
Used By Permission

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About Lori

Ever since Lori Younker was a child, she’s been captivated by her international friendships. She is mesmerized by the power of short works to inspire true understanding of the cross-cultural experience and expands her writing skills in creative nonfiction, guiding others to do the same. These days she helps others capture their life history as well as their stories of faith.