Tea Time: Get to Know our Chinese neighbors – Sweet rice drink

My dear friend Xinxiu and her husband brought this hot drink to church on the debut of their first child in public at International Community Church. To study the beverages of our neighbors is one way to discover the values that make the culture tick. Xinxiu shares one that is both healthy and comforting.
Photos of this milky drink are taken from http://maomaomom.com/zh/132/

Who drinks it and Why?

When I was a child, I remembered we can only drink this kind of beverage at the Spring Festival when we visit our relatives and friends. First, because it’s very cold at Spring Festival, it can make our body warm; what’s more, Chinese people like to drink wine in festivals and this kind of drink is suitable for people of all ages, and the sweet rice drink also means you will have a good and sweet beginning of the year.

But nowadays people can drink this beverage anytime, you can make it by yourself or buy it from markets. It’s one of the best drinks for old people and moms with babies.



What is the Sweet Rice Drink?

We also called this kind of drink as Mijiu or Jiuniang, is made from the fermentation of rice starch that has been converted to sugars. Microbes are the source of the enzymes that convert the starches to sugar and it tastes sweet.

Step by Step photo instructions

How to make the sweet rice drink? (my mom’s recipe)


2.2 lb sweet rice;  One and a half balls of dried yeast;  1100ml water


1.Soak the rice in water in a pot more than 4 hours at room temperature. Make sure that the water level above the rice (Picture A)

  1. Cook the rice by steaming until it is cooked through and still has a slightly chewy texture. The rice should be translucent and soft but not mushy. Cool the rice to room temperature(Picture B)
  2. Ground the dried yeast into a very fine powder and put them in the water;(Picture C & D)
  3. Rub the rice with cool water and the yeast water by hand. Ensure all of the rice is free-flowing, not sticky together.(Picture E)
  4. Transfer the rice to a large container and poke a hole down the middle of the container through to the bottom.
  5. Cover the container with two layers of food wrapper, put it in a warm place (77F to 95F) for two days and two nights. Discover the food wrapper and it smells with little alcohol.(Picture F )
  6. Store the sweet rice drink in the refrigerator and it can keep for 2 months.


How to cook it?

The simplest way: Cook the sweet rice drinks with water, and you can also add sugar, fruits, nuts or egg drops and whatever you like.

My favorite cooking: cook it with water and eggs.



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About Lori

Ever since Lori Younker was a child, she’s been captivated by her international friendships. She is mesmerized by the power of short works to inspire true understanding of the cross-cultural experience and expands her writing skills in creative nonfiction, guiding others to do the same. These days she helps others capture their life history as well as their stories of faith.