Come, He Says


Come to Me, Jesus said.

Not to a religion but to Himself; come to a “Person”–

  To the Son of Man.


Move from where you are at.

Move from your stagnation, self pity or despair and come.

That’s all He asks–and He will do the rest.

Come to Me

All who are weary

Weary of your job? Weary of being a mother? A wife?

Weary of the world’s system? Weary of the demands of your

Religion? It’s rules and regulations? Weary of all your obligations?

Come to Me

All who are

Weary and heavy laden

Worried? Distressed? Exhausted? Come.

Come to Me 

All who are weary and heavy laden 

And I will give you Rest.

Rest. This rest is primarily for your soul but this rest 

Will relieve your mental and emotional anguish too.

Come to me

All who are weary and heavy laden

And I will give you rest. 

Take my yoke upon you.

Get in step with Me, He asks gently, get in step with me–

As two cows or oxen would take the yoke across the shoulders

To pound out the grain as they walked in circles for the farmer.

Walk in step with Jesus, look over at gentle Jesus 

Who will guide you in every step of life

Take My Yoke upon you

And Learn from Me

For I am Gentle and Humble in heart.

What does He demand from us but complete child-like trust?

There are no rules for Sunday or early morning prayer. 

He only asks us to keep step with Him. 

And He does not hurry.

Learn from Me, Jesus says,

for I am gentle and humble in heart, 

and you shall find rest for your souls.

My soul! Oh, my soul! Rest in Jesus Christ. As we walk–

He does all the work–we just hug tight to His side.

He’ll stop sometimes and we will rest.

We will not run.

You shall find rest

For your souls.

No more working toward perfection.

No more trying to be good enough, not for Him or anyone else.

Rest in what He provides.


Take my yoke and 

Learn from Me,

For I am gentle

And humble in heart,

And You shall find rest for your souls for…

My yoke is EASY and my load is LIGHT.

Matthew 11:28-30
With commentary by Lori Younker

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About Lori

Ever since Lori Younker was a child, she’s been captivated by her international friendships. She is mesmerized by the power of short works to inspire true understanding of the cross-cultural experience and expands her writing skills in creative nonfiction, guiding others to do the same. These days she helps others capture their life history as well as their stories of faith.